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TitleAnimation, participation et hydraulique villageoise en Afrique : etude d'un exemple au Togo
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsAssogba, Y, Kekeh, KR
Secondary TitleDossiers, etudes et formation
Volumeno. 31
Paginationxv, 128 p.: 4 fig., 43 tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherCentre Sahel, Universite Laval
Place PublishedQuebec, Que, Canada
ISBN Number2921590182
Keywordscase studies, community development, community participation, extension, pa, rural areas, togo, water supply
NotesBibliography: p. 111-113
Custom 1824
Translated TitleExtension, participation and rural water supply in Africa : case study from Togo

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