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TitleAnimation sociale et acceptation des projets d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsAstor, GJ
Secondary TitleRapports de recherche du Ministere Federal de la Cooperation Economique de la Republique Federal d'Allemagne
Volumeno. 83
Paginationvii, 146 p.: tab.
Date Published1988-01-01
PublisherGermany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Place PublishedBonn, Germany
Keywordsacceptance, communication, community participation, cultural aspects, evaluation, health education, projects, sanitation, social marketing, water supply
Notes159 ref. - Also published in English (isn 5061), Spanish and German
Custom 1204.3
Translated TitleCommunication and acceptance in water supply and sanitation projects

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