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This bench-scale study explores and evaluates the feasibility and efficacy of the combination of two previously reported techniques for the photodisinfection of heavily polluted water.

TitleExperimental evaluation of a novel photodynamic water disinfection technique
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsAcra, A, Ayoub, G
Paginationp. 218-223 : 5 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published1997-08-01
Keywordschlorination, disinfection, faecal coliforms, laboratory testing, sdiwat, solar radiation, ultraviolet irradiation

This bench-scale study explores and evaluates the feasibility and efficacy of the combination of two previously reported techniques for the photodisinfection of heavily polluted water. These are: (a) photodynamic disinfection of excessively polluted water with methylene blue as a sensitising dye and exposure to solar UV-A radiation; and (b) the 'Halosol Process', designed to achieve an effective bactericidal action by solar irradiation of super-chlorinated water. The objective of the photodynamic disinfection technique is to broaden the biocidal spectrum, and to achieve a combination of germicidal effects, decolourisation, and dechlorination. It is applicable in the developing countries, where sunlight abounds and enteric diseases are prevalent. The Halosol process may be applied in these countries to water from relatively clean sources. (author's abstract)

Notes7 ref.
Custom 1254.1

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