Title | Guide de financement : eau et assainissement, gestion des eaux usees, gestion integree des ressources en eau, irrigation (Afrique de l'Ouest) |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Pagination | 197 p. |
Date Published | 2006-05-01 |
Abstract | Overview of financing mechanisms aimed at West-African organizations looking for grants and other aid-based funds, including soft loans to finance projects and programmes in the water and sanitation sector. The guide focuses on information for domestic water supply and sanitation, integrated water resources management, wastewater management, and irrigation. The guide includes fact sheets on the following finance sources: European Union aid; bilateral aid; Development Banks and Bank programmes; Financing facilities; and Foundations and other funds. |
Notes | 9 ref. |
Translated Title | Financing guide : water and sanitation, wastewater management, integrated water resources management, irrigation (West African focus) |