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This guide explains why gender-sensitive indicators are useful tools for measuring the result of CIDA's development initiatives.

TitleGuide to gender-sensitive indicators = Guide des indicateurs tenant compte des ecarts entre les hommes et les femmes
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsBeck, T, Stelcner, M
Paginationii, 92, iii, 106 p. : boxes
Date Published1997-08-01
PublisherCanadian International Development Agency, CIDA
Place PublishedHull, Que, Canada
ISSN Number0662631455
Keywordsfunding agencies, gender, guidelines, indicators, projects, sdigen

This guide explains why gender-sensitive indicators are useful tools for measuring the result of CIDA's development initiatives. It concentrates in particular on projects with an end-user focus, and shows how gender sensitive indicators can and should be used in both gender integrated and Women in Development (WID)-specific projects, and in combination with other evaluation techniques. After introducing concepts, the guide reviews the techniques of choosing and using indicators at the project level, so that CIDA staff can utilize them as an instrument of results-based management. Key questions addressed here include: i. What are gender-sensitive indicators? ii. Why should CIDA use them? iii. What are the types of such indicators? iv. What are their limitations? v. How can they be used at the branch and region/country levels and in particular in projects with an end-user focus?

The guide does not intend to provide exact answers to all questions on indicators, or to set up a format for indicator use that should be used or replicated in all instances. Instead, it is intended as a document that makes suggestions about indicator use and how indicators might be adapted for different purposes.

Notes177 ref.
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