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The first part of each set is called water and health. It shows how one can get infected by microbes.

TitleHealth education flipcharts
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsZR, ZMinistere, ZR, ZMinistere
Pagination3 sets of flipcharts: ill.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherBureau d'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Sante
Place PublishedKangu-Mayombe, Zaire

The first part of each set is called water and health. It shows how one can get infected by microbes. The last part is called latrine and health and shows the construction of a VIP latrine. Set 1 discusses the maintenance of the spring capping. Set 2 shows the India Mark II pump and the maintenance and Set 3 shows a fourcet and its maintenance.

NotesConsists of 1: Source . - 2: Pompe . - 3: Robinet

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