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The HYDROLAB expert system is a geohydrological tool for assistance in the location and installation of deep wells.

TitleHydrolab : le systeme expert d'aide a l'implantation de forages : concepts, techniques et application au Burkina Faso
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsDetay, M, Poyet, P, Brisson, E
Secondary TitleSerie hydrogeologie / CIEH
Pagination120 p. : 34 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherComite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH)
Place PublishedOuagadougou, Burkina Faso
Keywordsburkina faso, cab92/2, computers, expert systems, hydrogeology, manuals, models, well drilling, west africa

The HYDROLAB expert system is a geohydrological tool for assistance in the location and installation of deep wells. It was developed by the European Society of Geocognitives (SEG) in 1986, and adapted for work in Burkina Faso in conjunction with the village hydraulic programme. The HYDROLAB system is developed for the personal computer. The first section of the report explains the geohydrology of West Africa; the geology, the most prevalent geomorphological structures and the hydrologic cycle. The research methods included base maps, aerial photogrammetry, field studies and geological investigations. The mathematical model development is explained in a flow chart and accompanying text. Detailed information is given over fracture zones, soil types, rock and mineral types, and soil use and properties. Section 2 of the report describes the software programme, its use and versatility. HYDROLAB can be used for preliminary studies of the terrain, aerial photogrammetry, specific terrain studies and data analysis and interpretation. Section 3 is a user's manual for the HYDROLAB system, with an abbreviated troubleshooting guide.

Notes110 ref.
Custom 1212.1, 524
Translated TitleHydrolab : an expert system to assist well drilling : concepts, techniques and application in Burkina Faso

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