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TitleLa politique du genre dans l'hydraulique villageoise, l'assainissement et la protection des ressources en eau : un guide methodologique et technique
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1996
Authorsvan Wijk-Sijbesma, CA
Secondary TitleSerie de documents occasionnels / IRC
Volumeno. 23-F
Pagination57 p.
Date Published1996-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity management, community participation, evaluation, financing, gender, guidelines, implementation, monitoring, planning, projects, rural areas, sanitation, source protection, training, water resources management, water supply
NotesBibliography: p. 47-57
Custom 1202.1
Translated TitleGender in community water supply, sanitation and water resource protection : a guide to methods and techniques
Original PublicationGender in community water supply, sanitation and water resource protection : a guide to methods and techniques, Mejor, cuando es de a dos : el genero en los proyectos de agua y saneamiento, Methods to involve women in rural water supply, sanitation and wa

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