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This video shows the training of staff involved in the Government of Togo and UNICEF project Eau, Assainissement, Ver de Guinee (Water, Sanitation, Guinea Worm).

TitleLe choix au village : une approche en evolution
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsJansen, C
PaginationVideo (20 min.) : VHS/PAL
Date Published1996-01-01
Place PublishedLome, Togo
Keywordscommunity participation, health education, participatory methods, programmes, sdiafr, sdipar, togo, training, water supply

This video shows the training of staff involved in the Government of Togo and UNICEF project Eau, Assainissement, Ver de Guinee (Water, Sanitation, Guinea Worm). The objectives of the programme, among others, are to improve the hygiene conditions and reduce the number of Guinea Worm cases by providing good drinking water to some 400 communities.They have chosen for an approach that should lead to greater sustainability and better use of the drinking water and sanitation facilities. The programme is based on two principles: integration and participation. Integration means an approach whereby technicians and hygiene promoters form a team, which increases the effectiveness of their work. Participation means that the community, with help from the field workers, experience a process of problem analysis and decision making. This leads to results tailored to the individual communities, and to community management of the new services. To formulate an integrated and participative approach, a pilot phase was initiated. During this pilot phase, there were several occasions on which those involved in this programme at different levels met one another. The approach which has been developed is comprised of three phases: In the first phase a diagnosis is performed. Together with the villagers, an inventory is made of what is happening in the village with respect to water and sanitation, what systems or facilities exist, and how these are used. In the second phase, the field workers visit the villages accompanied by two others, and discuss with the villagers, what improvements they would like and if these are feasible. On the basis of this analysis, a village plan of action is formulated. In the third phase, this plan is carried out.

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Translated TitleLet the village choose : a changing approach

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