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TitleManuel pour les adductions villageoises
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsPROTOS -Gent, BE, Agence pour la Coopération Technique Integrée
Paginationxiii, 277 p. + 16 p. annexes : fig., tab.
Date Published2001-01-01
PublisherPROTOS (Agence pour la Coopération Technique Integrée)
Place PublishedGent, Belgium
ISSN Number9080568139
Keywordsconduits, construction, design, drinking water, gravity transmission, manuals, planning, sdiwat, water demand, water quality, water resources, water sources, water supply, water use
Notes15 ref.
Custom 1201
Translated TitleManual for water supply systems in rural areas

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