Title | Presentation des nouveaux sujets pour le Conseil de Concertation pour l'Approvisionnement en Eau et l'Assainissement : La Reunion du Conseil a Rabat, 7-10 Septembre 1993 : l'eau, les limites de la croissance ... |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 1993 |
Authors | Hespanhol, I, Helmer, R |
Pagination | 24 p.: 7 box, 4 fig. |
Date Published | 1993-01-01 |
Publisher | Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC |
Place Published | Geneva, Switzerland |
Keywords | economic aspects, environmental impact, groundwater pollution, health impact, municipal wastewater, pollution control, sewerage, surface water pollution, water reuse |
Notes | 15 ref. |
Custom 1 | 202.7, 244 |
Translated Title | New issues paper for the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council : Rabat meeting of the Council, 7-10 September 1993 : wwater, limits to growth : economic importance and the urgency for pollution control |