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Willetts, J.
Willetts, J.
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS
, 2012.
A service delivery approach for rural water supply in Timor-Leste : institutional options and strategy
, Sydney, NSW, Australia: Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS.
Publié le: 14/06/2013
Improving the sustainability of rural water service provision in Timor-Leste will require reorientation of the sector from an infrastructure focus...
Halcrow, G.
et al.
, 2012.
Working from strengths : Plan and SNV integrate gender into community-led sanitation and hygiene approaches in Vietnam
, (Towards inclusive WASH : sharing evidence and experience from the field : a series of 16 case-studies 15) S.l.: SNV Nepal.
Publié le: 23/03/2012
Approaching gender from a constructive, strengths-based perspective has potential to influence practice in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)...
Willetts, J.
Wicken, J.
, 2011.
Towards sustainability in water, sanitation and hygiene : WASH Conference 2011, Brisbane, Australia : conference report
, S.l.: International Water Centre.
Publié le: 27/11/2012
There is a global crisis in sanitation and water: almost two-fifths of the world’s population (2.6 billion) people do not have access to improved...
Willetts, J.
Wicken, J.
Robinson, A.
, 2009.
Meeting the sanitation and water challenge in South East Asia and the Pacific : synthesis report on the Sanitation and Water Conference 08
, Brisbane, QLD, Australia: International Water Centre. Available at:
Publié le: 08/04/2009
This report synthesises the main themes and issues discussed at the Sanitation Conference held in Melbourne from 27-29 October 2008. It provides...
Setty, K.
et al.
, 2018.
Global water, sanitation, and hygiene research priorities and learning challenges under Sustainable Development Goal 6
Development policy review
, p.1- 55 : 6 fig. 5 tab.
Publié le: 30/11/2018
Among Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partners there is lowered confidence especially in managing untreated wastewater and faecal sludge. Non-...
Dickin, S.
et al.
, 2022.
Assessing mutual accountability to strengthen national WASH systems and achieve the SDG targets for water and sanitation
H2Open journal
, 5(2), p.166-179 : 3 tab.
Publié le: 24/08/2022
Multi-stakeholder engagement is critical for making progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 'Ensure access to water and sanitation for...
Willetts, J.
et al.
, 2021.
Strengthening mutual accountability in partnerships for WASH. Pt 1: Literature review and learning from other sectors
, New York, NY, USA: Sanitation and Water for All (SWA). Available at:
Publié le: 18/08/2021
Key elements, success factors, partnership processes, conducive national contexts and types of global partnerships, which can support an effective...
Butterworth, J.A.
et al.
, 2021.
Strengthening mutual accountability in partnerships for WASH. Pt 2: Summary of six country case studies
, New York, NY, USA: Sanitation and Water for All (SWA). Available at:
Publié le: 18/08/2021
More emphasis is needed on building and strengthening the work of multi-stakeholder platforms in WASH at the national level.
Foster, T.
et al.
, 2019.
Functionality of handpump water supplies : a review of data from sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific region
International journal of water resources development
, 35(3), p.1-15: 1 fig., 3 tab.
Publié le: 01/08/2019
Approximately one in four handpumps in sub-Saharan Africa are non-functional at any point in time, which in 2015 was roughly equivalent to 175,000...
Carrard, N.
et al.
, 2019.
Are piped water services reaching poor households? : empirical evidence from rural Viet Nam
Water research
, 153, p.239-250.
Publié le: 15/02/2019
Though challenging, rigorous local-level monitoring is key to ensure equitable, quality service delivery.
Willetts, J.
et al.
, 2010.
Cost-effectiveness analysis as a methodology to compare sanitation options in peri-urban Can Tho, Vietnam : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, T
, The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC. Available at:
Publié le: 24/02/2011
It is challenging to make decisions about sanitation scale and technology choice for urban areas, however costing analyses have an important role...
Willetts, J.
Bailey, B.
Crawford, P.
, 2013.
Topic 3: Reflections on monitoring a large-scale civil society WASH initiative: lessons for sector monitoring and potential contributions from NGOs
, Available at:
Publié le: 13/05/2014
This paper draws on the experience of monitoring a large-scale civil society Fund to provide insight into some of the challenges facing sector...
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