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Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
ZW, N.A.C.Zimbabwe.
, 2003.
Zimbabwe water and sanitation sector HIV/AIDS response : programme, strategies and guidelines
, Harare, Zimbabwe: National Action Committee for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation. Available at:
Publié le: 01/01/1970
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
, 2000.
Afrique 2000, initiative pour l'eau et l'assainissement : directive pour la coordination et le travail en réseau = Africa 2000, a water and sanitation initiative : guidelines for coordination and networking
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development.
Publié le: 30/12/2004
Le problème de l'eau et de l'assainissement en afrique doit être la préoccupation de tous, à cause de son impact sanitaire et sa détérioration de...
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
Nairobi, K.E.Water and
, 2000.
Review of the IRWSSP. Volume II. Evolution of the integrated rural water supply and sanitation programme in Zimbabwe : a background report to the IRWSSP sector evaluation
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development. Available at:
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
Nairobi, K.E.Water and
, 2000.
Evaluation of the integrated rural water supply and sanitation programme. Volume VI. Outputs of the programme
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development.
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
Nairobi, K.E.Water and
, 2000.
Review of the IRWSSP. Volume III. Institutional arrangements
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development.
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
City, P.H.Streams of
, 2000.
Regional alliance of resource centres in Southern Africa : workshop report Kadoma, Zimbabwe (25 - 29 September 2000)
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development. Available at:
Publié le: 31/12/2004
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development
Nairobi, K.E.Water and
, 1999.
Capacity building in the water and sanitation sector : a case study of TREND and IWSD
, Nairobi, Kenya: Water and Sanitation Program - East and Southern Africa. Available at:
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
Nairobi, K.E.Water and
, 1999.
Review of the integrated rural water supply and sanitation programme. Volume I. Executive summary
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development. Available at:
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development
NETWAS -Nairobi, KE, Network for Water and Sanitation
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout
National Community Water and Sanitation Training Institute -Sovenga, ZA, NCWSTI
, 1998.
10th ITN Africa conference : 30th November - 3rd December 1998, Nairobi Kenya : water and environmental sanitation in low income urban areas : conference pre-prints
, Nairobi, Kenya: Network for Water and Sanitation International (NETWAS). Available at:
Publié le: 31/12/2004
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development
NETWAS -Nairobi, KE, Network for Water and Sanitation
UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre -Osaka/Shiga, JP, IETC
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout
Nairobi, K.E.U.N.E.P.-
, 1998.
Source book of alternative technologies for freshwater augmentation in Africa
, (Technical publication series / UNEP no. 8A) Osaka, Japan: UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre.
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
IHE -Delft, NL, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Harare, Z.W.Department
, 1998.
WaterNet 1998 - 2001 : initial phase : forging the network
, Delft, The Netherlands: IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering). Available at:
Publié le: 30/12/2004
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development
NETWAS -Nairobi, KE, Network for Water and Sanitation
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout
National Community Water and Sanitation Training Institute -Sovenga, ZA, NCWSTI
, 1997.
Ninth ITN Africa conference : 1-4 December 1997, Pretoria, South Africa : pre-print papers
, Sovenga, South Africa: National Community Water and Sanitation Training Institute (NCWSTI).
Publié le: 31/12/2004
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
, 1997.
Cholera and other epidemic diarrhoeal diseases control : technical cards on environmental sanitation
, Geneva, Switzerland. Available at:
Publié le: 01/01/1970
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
IHE -Delft, NL, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Harare, Z.W.Department
, 1996.
Collaborative programme for capacity building in the water sector of Zimbabwe and the Southern Africa regio : the development of a sustainable education, training and research capacity in water resources management and sanitation at the University of Zimb
, Delft, The Netherlands: IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering). Available at:
Publié le: 30/12/2004
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD
IWSD news
, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development.
Publié le: 30/12/2004
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