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Lee, T.R.
Lee, T.R.
, 1999.
Water management in the 21st century : the allocation imperative
, (New horizons in environmental economics series) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Publié le: 31/12/2004
This book is about choices in water management and touches on the issue of water as a resource, as well as on how man is using it. Mostly the...
Lee, T.R.
Jouravlev, A.
, 1998.
Precios, la propiedad y los mercados en la asignación del agua
, (Serie recursos naturales e infraestructura / ECLAC no. 6) Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Available at:
Publié le: 11/07/2005
Examina los medios de incorporar el uso de las señales del mercado, mediante los precios, en la gestión de los recursos hídricos, con el propósito...
Lee, T.R.
, 1998.
Challenges facing water resources management in Latin America and the Caribbean : paper no. 6
Publié le: 30/12/2004
Lee, T.R.
Jouravlev, A.
, 1997.
Private participation in the provision of water services : alternative means for private participation in the provision of water services
, (Serie medio ambiente y desarrollo / ECLAC no. 2) Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Available at:
Publié le: 30/12/2004
The paper focuses on the benefits of the privatization of water services and on the range of alternatives available for private participation in...
Lee, T.R.
Jouravlev, A.
Jouravlev, A.
, 1997.
Ordenamiento territorial como instrumento de la gestión ambiental : el caso de los residuos sólidos
, Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Publié le: 11/07/2005
Analiza la importancia que reviste el ordenamiento del territorio como instrumento de la gestión ambiental en general, y en particular de la...
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