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Jagerskog, A.
Abdelrahman, R.
Jagerskog, A.
, 2013.
A last ditch effort to save the Jordan river
. , p.p. 6 - 8.
Publié le: 29/08/2013
Arguably one of the most endangered rivers on the planet, the river Jordan, has been shrinking since one of the oldest continuously in habited...
Jagerskog, A.
Jonch-Clausen, T.
, 2012.
Feeding a thirsty world : challenges and opportunities for a water and food secure future : a report prepared as input to the 2012 World Water Week..
, (SIWI report 31) Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).
Publié le: 23/11/2012
This report presents the latest thinking and new approaches to emerging and persistent challenges to achieve food security in the 21st century. It...
Granit, J.
et al.
, 2010.
Regional water intelligence report central Asia : baseline report
, Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). Available at:
Publié le: 15/07/2010
The Central Asian states and Afghanistan, except Kazakhstan, are poor. Water for economic growth is therefore at the core of their interests....
Jagerskog, A.
, 2003.
Why states cooperate over shared water : the water negotiations in the Jordan River Basin
, (Linkoping studies in arts and science 281) Linkoping, Sweden: Linkoping University, Department of Water and Environmental Studies.
Publié le: 01/01/1970
This qualitative case study analyses why and under what conditions cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians and between Israel and Jordan...
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