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Mosler, H.-J.
Günther, I.
et al.
, 2012.
When is shared sanitation improved sanitation? The correlation between number of users and toilet hygiene
, (Research for policy : Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich [ETHZ] 2) Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG).
Publié le: 11/04/2013
The international debate on the question of whether shared and/or public sanitation facilities should be considered improved is still open. The...
Contzen, N.
Mosler, H.-J.
, 2012.
Factors determining the effectiveness of Oxfam’s public health promotion approach in Haiti
, Duebendorf, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG).
Publié le: 03/08/2012
In response to the devastating earthquake of january 12th 2010 and the cholera outbreak of october of that same year Oxfam Great Britain, Oxfam Qu...
Mosler, H.-J.
, 2012.
A systematic approach to behavior change interventions for the water and sanitation sector in developing countries : a conceptual model, a review, and a guideline.
, p.p. 1 - 19; 2 tab.; 1 fig. Available at:
Publié le: 20/02/2012
Public health practitioners increasingly agree that it is not enough to provide people with water and sanitation hardware. Numerous approaches are...
Günther, I.
et al.
, 2011.
Where do Kampala’s poor “go”? Urban sanitation conditions in Kampala’s low-income areas
, (Research for policy : Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich [ETHZ] 1) Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG).
Publié le: 17/04/2013
Results of a representative survey conducted with1’500 poor households in Uganda’s capital during November 2010 show that the majority of Kampala’s...
Rufener, S.
et al.
, 2010.
Quality of drinking-water at source and point-of-consumption : drinking cup as a high potential recontamination risk : a field study in Bolivia
. , p.P. 34 - 41; 4 fig.; 2 tab. Available at:
Publié le: 02/02/2012
In-house contamination of drinking-water is a persistent problem in developing countries. This study aimed at identifying critical points of...
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