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Found 23550 results
R. Lenton et Muller, M., Integrated water resources management in practice : better water management for development. London, UK: Earthscan, 2009, p. xx, 228 p. : 4 boxes, 52 fig., 13 tab.
D. O. Ochi, « Integrating water, environment and sanitation hygiene education into family life education (FLE) in schools : the proposed IFLPHHE model : paper prepared for the West Africa Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium, 10-12 Nov 2009, Accra, Ghana », presented at the 2009-11-10, S.l., 2009, p. 8 p.; 15 refs.; 1 tab.
A. Sigareti, « Integration of community water points management within the context of overall planning in Mvomero District Council ». SNV Tanzania, S.l., p. 5 p.; 2 tab.; 1 graph, 2009.
A. Jimenez et Perez-Fogue, A., « International investments in the water sector  », International journal of water resources development, p. p. 1 - 14 : 8 fig., 2 tab., 2009.
J. Devine, « Introducing SaniFOAM : a framework to analyze sanitation behaviors to design effective sanitation programs ». Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 28 p., 2009.
S. Sutton, « An introduction to self supply : putting the user first : incremental improvements and private investment in rural water supply ». Water and Sanitation Program - African Region, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 12 p. : 4 boxes, 8 fig., 2009.
J. Gomme et Leake, C., « Investigating declining yields in a large upland spring supply with limited data », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. pp. 13-18; 5 fig., 4 tab., 7 ref., 2009.
J. Winpenny, Investing in information, knowledge and monitoring. Paris, France: UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme Secretariat, 2009, p. 16 p. : 10 boxes, 1 fig., 1 tab.
« Journal of water resource and protection ». Department for International Development, DFID, London, UK, 2009.
K. E. S. S. P. Kenya Educ Programme, « KESSP assessment : SWASH+ reviews Kenyan Education Sector Support Program improvements in 8 schools ». S.n., S.l., p. 1 p., 2009.
Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau -Frankfurt am Main, DE, KfW, « KfW water symposium 2009 : financing sanitation, Frankfurt, 8-9 October 2009 : [proceedings] ». Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, p. various paging, 2009.
SDC -Bern, CH, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, « Knowledge management toolkit ». Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern, Switzerland, p. 117 p., 2009.
J. Pels, « Knowledge sharing, information management, communication and IT within WASHCost », Knowledge management for development journal, p. p. 215 - 228 : 3 boxes, 1 tab., 2009.
T. Clasen, Naranjo, J., Frauchiger, D., et Gerba, C., « Laboratory assessment of a gravity-fed ultra-filtration water treatment device designed for household use in low-income settings », American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, p. 819-823 : 2 fig., 2 tab., 2009.
H. Smets, « Le droit a l’assainissement dans les legislations nationals = The right to sanitation in national laws ». Academie de l'Eau, Paris, France, p. 456 p. : 27 boxes, 25 photogr., 9 tab., 2009.
« LeaPPS Info: FOSSA ALTERNA ». 2009.
A. Brenda, van Lieshout, R., et Bey, V., « LeaPPS the process of scaling up learning (2009- present) ». 2009.
N. Mukherjee, « Learning at scale : total sanitation and sanitation marketing project : Indonesia country update June 2009 ». Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, WSP-EAP, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 21 p. : 6 boxes, 5 fig., 2009.
E. Le Borgne, Pels, J., Manning-Thomas, N., et Kerkhoven, R., « Learning for the water sector: quenching the thirst for knowledge and bridging the banks? », Knowledge management for development journal, p. p. 197 - 200, 2009.
C. J. Pendley et Ahmad, A. J. Minhaj Udd, « Learning from experience : lessons from implementing water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities in the coastal belt of Bangladesh ». Royal Danish Embassy, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 27 p. : fig., photogr., 2009.
B. Schnabel, « Lethal consequences [Drastic consequences of diarrhoeal disease] », Development and cooperation (D+C), p. p. 162-163 : photogr., 2009.
K. Virjee, « Leveraging private sector finance for rural piped water infrastructure in Kenya: the use of output-based aid : OBApproaches note 30 ». Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid, World Bank, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 8 p.; ill.; 1 fig., 2009.
E. Appiah-Effah, « Life cycle cost of sustainable wash service delivery : a case study of Bosomtwe-Atwima-Kwanwoma district (BAKD) ». Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, p. xii, 72 p. : 2 fig.; 10 tab., 2009.
M. Sitali, « Liquid Liberia – state of water, sanitation and hygiene in Liberia ». Liberia WASH Consortium, Monrovia, Liberia, p. DVD 22 min., 2009.
J. Irving et Manroth, A., « Local sources of financing for infrastructure in Africa : a cross-country analysis », vol. nr. 4878. World Bank, Africa Region, African Sustainable Development Front Office, Washington, DC, USA, p. ii, 84 p. : fig., tab., 2009.


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