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E. G. Pike, Engineering against schistosomiasis / bilharzia : guidelines towards control of the disease. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, 1987, p. vi, 234 p.: fig., photogr.
R. Hederra, « Environmental sanitation and water supply during floods in Ecuador (1982-1983) », Disasters, p. p. 297-309: fig., tab., 1987.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Jakarta, I. D. Yayasan In, ID, I. Ministry o, Jakarta, I. D. Academy of, et UNICEF -New York, NY, US, « Evaluation of the INPRES water supply and sanitation program ». Academy of Health Controllers, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 83 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
L. - G. A. U. et Gilboa, Y., « Groundwater in Colombia », Hydrological sciences journal, p. p. 161-178: fig., tab., 1987.
S. Foster, Ventura, M., et Hirata, R., « Groundwater pollution : an executive overview of the Latin American - Caribbean situation in relation to potable water-supply ». Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Lima, Peru, p. v, 38 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
C. de Rooy, « Guinea worm control as a major contributor to self-sufficiency in rice production in Nigeria ». UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, Lagos, Nigeria, p. 23 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, « The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : review of mid-Decade progress (as at December 1985) ». World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 218 p. : fig., tab., 1987.
« IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre Annual Report 1986 ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 67 p. : fig., maps, photogr., 1987.
T. F. Bastemeijer, « Le choix au village : proposition pour un volet 'eau et assainissement' : rapport d'une mission d'appui dans la periode du 28 [septembre] au octobre 1987 ». The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 41 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
A. Bendavid-Val, More with less : managing energy and resource efficient cities. Washington, DC, USA: USAID, Office of Rural Development, 1987, p. x, 101 p.: fig., photogr.
J. P. van der Hoek et Klapwijk, A., « Nitrate removal from ground water », Water research, p. p. 989-997: fig., tab., 1987.
J. C. Rietveld, « An overdue plea for support for local, regional and international professional associations : paper presented at the symposium "Opening up new horizons", 15 December 1987 organised by the Watertransportmij Rijn-Kennemerland WRK », presented at the 1987-01-01, S.l., 1987, p. 5 p.
J. E. Turner, Thomson, J. F., et Laredo, D., « Planning for Central America water supply and sanitation programs », vol. no. 209. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xi, 166 p.: fig., map, tab., 1987.
M. Pardon et Benavides, L., « Programa de vigilancia y mejoramiento de la calidad de los servicios de agua de consumo humano en Lima metropolitana : programa piloto », vol. no. 4. Peru, Ministerio de Salud, Direccion Tecnica de Salud Ambiental, Lima, Peru, p. 28, 18 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
J. Beaudoin et Filion, L., « A project to install water systems in the region of Giti, Muhura, and Murambi ». CARE International, Kigali, Rwanda, p. 26 p. + app.: fig., 1987.
B. Latham et Schiller, E., « Rainwater collection systems : a literature review », in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 14-16 January 1987, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 1987, p. P. A1-1 - A1-29.
A. Sendama et Mutiri, P. N., « Rapport de synthese : campagne d'indentification des besoins en eau en Afrique (Cameroun, Kenya, Niger, Rwanda, Zimbabwe) ». Environment Liaison Centre International, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 128 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
P. Ministerio PE, « Reglamentos de los estatutos para los servicios de agua potable rural ». Peru, Ministerio de Salud, Lima, Peru, p. 50 p., 1987.
U. Golani, « Report on a mission to the South Pacific region ». United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, New York, NY, USA, p. various pages, 1987.
B. J. Lloyd, Pardon, M., et Bartram, J., « Report on drinking water surveillance programme : phase 3c : evaluation of the pilot region diagnostic ». DelAgua, Lima, Peru, p. 27, 11 p., 1987.
J. Bartram, « Saneamiento ambiental en las comunidades afiliades al Consejo Aguaruna y Huambisa : problematica, prioridades y objetivos ». Delagua Latinoamerica, Lima, Peru, p. 34 p.: tab., 1987.
J. de Vries, Claringbould, H., Wolters, H., Duindam, P., et Bakker, S., « Servicios sanitarios en los pueblos jovenes de Lima : una propuesta para mejorar la situacion ». Delft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 2 vol. (184, 79 p.): fig., photogr., tab., 1987.
A. A. Titus, « Training of community operators in operations and maintenance for rural potable water systems in Bolivia », vol. no. 204. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 34 p. ; fig., tab., 1987.
M. G. Beyer, « Water and sanitation in UNICEF 1946-1986 », vol. no. 8. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. II, 67 p., 1987.
W. Senden et Salih, M. K., « Water resources assessment and development programme in the Sudan (WADS) : progress report, 1 January 1986 - 1 June 1987 ». TNO Institute for Applied Geoscience, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 35, 37 p.: fig., 1987.


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