This workshop is part of an initiative to promote the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in the WASH sector through building the capacity of WASH sector professionals. The effort ultimately aims to influence the way that the WASH sector addresses the challenges posed by climate change... Read more...
The majority of the water and sanitation projects funded by the European Union (EU) in six African countries are not sustainable says the EU's spending watchdog. Read more...
Le continent africain dispose d’innombrables ressources en eau. En dépit de ces importantes ressources les infrastructures de distribution et d’assainissement qui permettraient aux populations d’accéder à l’eau potable. Le continent africain recèle 660 000 kilomètres cubes de réserves d’eau. Cette … Read more...
How can the safety of drinking-water be monitored globally? What definitions would be meaningful and assist decision-makers in the process of... Read more...
Residents of Ogoniland in Rivers State, Nigeria, are demanding compensation from Royal Dutch Shell and clean-up of the oil that has polluted water sources and destroyed their livelihoods. Read more...
Dans le nord-ouest du Nigeria, au moins 2 000 enfants ont été contaminés par du plomb à la suite d’orpaillage clandestin, ont indiqué les autorités le 28 octobre 2011. Les sites pollués se trouvent dans l’Etat de Zamfara. Ils avaient … Read more...