Country Coordinator | IRC Niger
Après l’obtention d’un master 1 en banque finance et assurance, il s'est orienté vers le monde humanitaire en faisant un master 2 en action humanitaire internationale et ONG. Ce changement de voie s’explique par son fort intérêt pour les actions humanitaires. Il a ainsi pu acquérir des expériences dans différents départements (administration, finance, urgences, communication…) d’ONG internationales (Action Contre la Faim, ASMAE-Sœur Emmanuelle, CISP). Depuis janvier 2019, il travaille pour IRC au Niger afin d’améliorer les services WASH dans les écoles et les centres de santé des communes d’intervention.
Ismael has a masters' degree in banking finance and insurance and international humanitarian action, with a specialisation in governance. After working in the financial sector and for several NGOs, he joined IRC in 2019. At IRC, Ismael is country coordinator whose main mission is to work in partnership with local and central partners and authorities to build and strengthen WASH systems.
The book reflects the awareness by the global community that, in the 21st century, people in various regions around the world will likely face... Read more...
The New Horizon's workshop in Bangalore, India, from 28 November to 2 December 1994 was the culmination of two years of collaborative investigation... Read more...
This article deals with visual literacy in rural communities. It is based on a field study carried out in 1987 in the Indian-Danish Orissa Drinking... Read more...
During the first half of 1992 the private sector in Trinidad and Tobago spent TT$ 540 660 on cholera-related advertisements and private announcements... Read more...
Based on a theoretical model predicting a descending order of risks of pathogen transmission by irrigation with raw wastewater and on epidemiological... Read more...
This publication is the result of a survey of eighty-nine micro-enterprises and cooperatives in seven countries in Latin America (Bolivia, Brazil,... Read more...
The inability of cities to provide and maintain adequate infrastructure affects the living and working environment of their populations, especially... Read more...
The aim of this book is to present a less well known alternative technology, the low-pressure buried pipeline system for surface irrigation. Read more...
This booklet is an adaptation of the keynote address to the Ministerial Conference "Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation : Implementing... Read more...
The papers in this volume were presented by experts from international and national agencies, universities and research institutes involved in... Read more...