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TitleConception d'une etude socio-culturelle sur l'utilisation de l'eau et les practiques d'assainissement des menages a Djibouti-ville
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsMason, JP, Cutbill, C
Secondary TitleWash field report
VolumeNo. 214
Paginationxi, 73 p.: photos, fig.
Date Published1988-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsadministration, africa, cultural aspects, design, disposal, djibouti djibouti city, excreta, field studies, monitoring, questionnaires, safe water supply, sanitation, ue, wastewater
NotesBibliography : p. 43
Custom 1202.1, 302.1
Translated Titlehousehold water use and sanitation practices in Djibouti-city

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