Title | Role des femmes dans l'approvisionnement en eau et l'assainissement |
Publication Type | Progress Report |
Year of Publication | 1992 |
Authors | Turin, ITILO-, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Domingo, DOINSTRAW-S, UNDTCD -New York, NY, US |
Pagination | 4 vols.: cassettes, fig., slides, tab., and transparency texts |
Date Published | 1992-01-01 |
Publisher | United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Wpmen (INSTRAW) |
Place Published | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
Keywords | checklists, communication, community participation, curricula, evaluation, health education, monitoring, planning, sanitation, technology, training, training courses, water supply, women's work |
Abstract | Contents - five modules - Module 1 : Decennie internationale de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement et au-dela - Module II : Participation des femmes a la planification, au choix des techniques et a l'execution de projets durables d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement - Module III : Role des femmes dans l'education sanitaire et activites de formation pour les projets d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement - Module IV : Participation des femmes a la gestion des ressources et de l'approvisionnement en eau et de l'evacuation des dechets - Module V - La participation des femmes a l'evaluation et au suivi de projets d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement. - Also used together with L'eau et l'hygiene [video isn 8710] and Procedure d'evaluation minimale (PEM) pour les projets d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement (isn 4782). This is the French version of Women, Water Supply and Sanitation (WWSS) (isn 8253), the INSTRAW training package first produced in 1986 which is aimed at: a. senior officials of Ministries of Education, Health, Planning, Public Affairs, development planners and provincial water authorities in charge of water supply and sanitation technologies; b. representatives of NGOs, including women's organizations, which are active in water supply and sanitation projects and programmes. The training package focuses on: a. involving women in planning, choice of technology and implementation of sustainable water supply and sanitation projects; b. involving women in management of water resources, water supply and waste disposal; and c. incorporating into projects an adequate training component, evaluation and monitoring programmes. Each modular unit is supplemented with audiovisual support material, such as transparencies, sound slide packages, as well as additional reading; bibliography; key issue checklists for groupwork; evaluation form for participants; and a trainer's guide. |
Custom 1 | 202.1 |
Translated Title | Women, water supply and sanitation (WWSS |