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Found 23550 results
A. Dubé, Bassono, R., et Pezon, C., « Applying the life-cycle costs approach : latrine costs in Burkina Faso ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 9 p.; 5 tab.; 1 graph, 2012.
D. D. Pandejpong, Danchaivijitr, S. S., Vanprapa, N. N., Pandejpong, T. T., et Cook, E. F., « Appropriate time-interval application of alcohol hand gel on reducing influenza-like illness among preschool children : a randomized, controlled trial », American journal of infection control, p. p. 507 - 511, 2012.
IRC, « Appui post-construction aux fournisseurs de services d’eau en milieu rural », IRC, La Haye, 6, 2012.
S. Smits, « Arrangements, impacts and costs of postconstruction support : powerpoint presentation for the First Thematic meeting of the RWSN Working Group on Man.. ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 17 slides, 2012.
Apor el Agu Salvador), « Asegurando el agua para el mañana : guía para la planificación municipal en agua y saneamiento : orientaciones y experiencias en el contexto cent.. ». Alianza por el Agua, San Salvador, El Salvador, p. 94 p.; ill., 2012.
A. Dubé, Burr, P., Potter, A., et van de Reep, M., « Assessing hygiene cost-effectiveness: a methodology », IRC, The Hague, 2012.
S. C. Letema, « Assessing sanitary mixtures in East African cities », Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2012.
R. W. Schweitzer et Mihelcic, J. R., « Assessing sustainability of community management of rural water systems in the developing world », vol. 2, nᵒ 1, p. 20-30 : 3 tab.; 2 fig., 2012.
M. C. Freeman, Greene, L. E., Dreibelbis, R., Saboori, S., Muga, R., Brumback, B., et Rheingans, R., « Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya : a cluster-rand.. », Tropical medicine and international health, p. p. 380 - 391; 4 fig.; 5 tab., 2012.
A. Waldorf, « Assessing the role of women in microfinance for water supply and sanitation services », wH2O : the journal of gender and water. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, p. 62 p.; 9 fig.; 4 tab.; 2 boxes, 2012.
A. Waldorf, « Assessing the role of women in microfinance for water supply and sanitation services ». University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, p. 62 p.; 9 fig.; 4 tab.; 2 boxes, 2012.
A. Bowen, Agboatwalla, M., Luby, S. P., Tobery, T., Ayers, T., et Hoekstra, R. M., « Association between intensive handwashing promotion and child development in Karachi, Pakistan : a cluster randomized controlled trial », Archives of pediatrics and adolescent medicine, p. p. 1037 - 1044, 2012.
S. S. Jarrah et Kamel, A. A., « Attitudes and practices of school‐aged girls towards menstruation », vol. 18, nᵒ 3, p. 308-315, 2012.
A. Potter, Klutse, A., Snehalata, M., Batchelor, C., Uandela, A., Naafs, A., Fonseca, C., Moriarty, P. B., et IRC, « Avaliando os níveis dos serviços de saneamento », vol. No 3. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 27 p.; 17 fig., 2012.
« Ayuda memoria del seminario homologación de modelos de intervención », 2012.
A. Biran, Curtis, V., O. Gautam, P., Greenland, K., Islam, M. S., Schmidt, W. - P., Sijbesma, C., Sumpter, C., et Torondel, B., « Background paper on measuring WASH and food hygiene practices : definition of goals to be tackled post 2015 by the Joint Monitoring Programme ». London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Dept. of Public Health and Polic, London, UK, p. 81 p.; ill.; tab.; fig., 2012.
C. Briscoe et Aboud, F., « Behaviour change communication targeting four health behaviours in developing countries : a review of change techniques », Social science and medicine, p. p. 612 - 621; 2 tab., 2012.
« Behaviour change for improved hygiene and sanitation: not only a household affair! ». 2012.
S. Chessell, « Behavourial change », Sahapur Bazaar community latrine - Bangladesh. 2012.
K. B. Nyarko, « Behenase community report: cost of water and sanitation services in Behenase in the Bosomtwe District of Ashanti Region, Ghana. », IRC International Water and Sanitation Center, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2012.
D. Yirenya-Tawiah et E. Lawson, T., « Boosting health », Development and cooperation (D+C), p. p. 327 - 329; ill.; 1 tab.; 1 fig.; 2 photographs, 2012.
C. Meyer, « Boys and male teachers play a role in helping girls manage menstruation ». SWASH+ Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 2 p.; ill.; 1 photograph, 2012.
F. Karim, Akter, T., Dey, N. C., et M. Barua, K., « The BRAC WASH programme : describing the core operational approaches, monitoring, evaluation and some results », presented at the 2012-01-31, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012, p. 9 p.; 10 tab.
S. K. Dentel, Marzooghi, S., et Shi, C. J., « Breathable membrane enclosures for faecal sludge stabilization : a paper presented at the second conference on developments in faecal sludge managem.. », presented at the 2012-10-29, S.l., 2012, p. 7 p.; 8 fig.; .
R. Jacimovic et Fonseca, C., « Briefing Note on budget tracking approaches in the WASH sector: methods, applicability and examples ». IRC and the Dutch WASH Alliance, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 13, 2012.


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