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M. Boesveld, « Women, water and sanitation : practical issues of participation : a discussion paper », presented at the 1989-01-01, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1989, p. 5 p.
A. H. Khan, « Women work centre's story of five years 1984 - 1989 ». Orangi Pilot Project, Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan, p. 48 p. : ill., tab., 1989.
T. N. Lipangile, Ingwe, A. N., et Budimu, R. Y., « Wood-bamboo as appropriate technology », in Water, engineering and development in Africa : proceedings of the 15th WEDC Conference, Kano, Nigeria, 3-7 April 1989, 1989, p. P. 27-30: photogr.
S. H. Feldstein et Poats, S. V., Working together : gender analysis in agriculture. Vol. 2 : Teaching notes. West Hartford, CT, USA: Kumarian Press, 1989, p. xi, 258 p.: 4 fig., 65 tab.
M. Ministry o MW et IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, « Workshop on cost recovery and resources coverage for water supply sustainability and extended low cost sanitation coverage, Liwonde, Machinga district, Malawi, 20-26 August 1989 : workshop report ». Malawi, Ministry of Works, Water Department, Lilongwe, Malawi, p. ii, 45 p.: photogr., tab., 1989.
IUCN -Gland, CH, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, C. H. W. W. F. -, et Nairobi, K. E. U. N. E. P. -, « World conservation strategy for the 1990s ». World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland, p. vi, 160 p.: tab., 1989.
P. Morgan, « The Zimbabwe Bush Pump », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 24-27: photogr., tab., 1989.
IWSA -London, GB, International Water Association, « The 6th Asia Pacific regional water supply conference : water '87, 11-16 December 1987, Bangkok, Thailand : proceedings ». IWSA Asia Pacific Group (ASPAC), Bangkok, Thailand, p. 652 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
A. Karp, Journey, W., Roche, R., Langenegger, O., Arlosoroff, S., Tschannerl, G., et Grey, D., Abastecimiento de agua a la comunidad : la opcion de la bomba manual. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1988, p. xi, 208 p.: fig., tab.
T. J. Wrigley et Toerien, D. F., « The ability of an artificially established wetland system to upgrade oxidation pond effluent to meet water quality criteria », Water SA, p. p. 171-178: fig., tab., 1988.
H. Tjen-A-Kwoei, « Achieving payment for piped water supply systems in rural and low-income urban areas : a literature review and glossary of terms ». The Hague, The Netherlands, p. v, 96 p., 1988.
J. N. Lanoix, « Action for environmental health : WHO says ». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 34 p., 1988.
W. Herrich, « Active village participation and maintenance of improved water supply systems : report on a survey in the rural council Kas held from 1.11.1987 to 15.11.1987 ». TNO Institute for Applied Geoscience, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 86 p. + 30 p. ann.: map, 1988.
A. Prins et Yacoob, M., « Adding guinea worm control components : guidelines for water and sanitation projects », vol. no. 51. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iii, 73 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
K. Burns et Hetz, P., « African Water Workshop : final report : promoting sustainable community managed water supply and sanitation improvements : Kenya, August 12-21, 1988 ». CARE, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 24 p., 1988.
C. O. Area de Ab Cali et Cali, C. O. Unidad de, « Agua potable para communidades en zonas cafeteras del Valle del Cauca ». Cali, Colombia, p. 18 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
S. Niederer, « Aguasan Workshop 4.7.-8.7.1988 : unterhalt von Trinkwasserversorgungen ». Niederer and Pozzi, Zurich, Switzerland, p. iv, 35 p. + 20 p. ann.: fig., tab., 1988.
A. S. Pinto Guimaraes et R. de Melo, deCassia Per, « Alcantarillado de bajo costo : Brasil », in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, p. P. 179-199 : fig.
D. Flanagan, « Alimentation en eau d'une communaute : manuel de formation des usagers : aide-memoire de formation pour la participation populaire destine aux beneficiaires des PSTP ». International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 101 p.: ill., 1988.
H. M. Brewer, Anaerobic technology : a review of research, development and demonstration activity in the agrifood and pulp and paper industries = Technologie anaerobie : compte rendu des activites de recherche de developpement et de demonstration dans l'industrie agro-. Ottawa, Ont, Canada: Environment Canada, 1988, p. xiv, 105 p.
R. O. Ch., « Analisis fisico-quimico de aguas : metodos normalizados ». Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingenieria, Dept. de Procesos Quimicos y Biol, Cali, Colombia, p. vi, 251 p. : fig., tab., 1988.
F. Ndiame et Starkey, P., Animal power in farming systems : the proceedings of the second West Africa animal traction networkshop held September 19-25, 1986, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Braunschweig, Germany: Vieweg, 1988, p. 363 p.: fig., tab.
G. J. Astor, « Animation sociale et acceptation des projets d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement », vol. no. 83. Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn, Germany, p. vii, 146 p.: tab., 1988.
S. Hailu, Applicability of small bore gravity sewers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, vol. No. 31. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, 1988, p. 47 p.: fig., tab.
W. Verstraete, Liessens, J., et Vochten, P., « The application of polyurethane to improve slow sand filters », in Slow sand filtration : recent developments in water treatment technology, 1988, p. P. 367-378: fig., tab.


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